Want to make a difference for the future?
Support conservation, those who fight for your rights to be an outdoorsman, and organizations that promote our outdoor heritage.
If you can find a conservation organization with whom you share a common vision, you will find like minds, friends and opportunities.
Do your homework, not all Conservation organizations put their money where their mouth is.
Need some ideas to get started?
Outdoor Heritage Foundation Alaska
OHFA is the non-profit whose support provides instructive and popular educational programs such as Becoming an Outdoors-Woman, Youth Shooting Leagues, and Alaskans A-Field. OHFA is a direct partner with the Alaska Department of Fish & Game, focused solely on supporting our hunting heritage. OHFA is also a sponsor of the ATA Women’s Trapping Summit!
Safari Club International ALASKA CHAPTER
The leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting wildlife conservation worldwide. These primary missions are supported through the many arenas of the organization. Interested in the Alaska Chapter of SCI? Learn more here.
ALASKA Wild Sheep Foundation
Enhancing wild sheep populations, promoting scientific wildlife management, educating the public and youth on sustainable use and the conservation benefits of hunting. Interested in the Alaska Chapter of WSF? Learn more here.
The Alaska Outdoor Council (AOC) is our state's largest outdoor heritage advocacy group. The long standing organization is dedicated to the preservation of outdoor pursuits in Alaska - hunting, fishing, trapping, and public access - and conservation of the habitats upon which they depend. Their vision is it unite Alaska voices and to effectively represent their outdoor interests in all facets of public policy.
Alaska Trappers Association
Alaska’s largest organization of trappers, the Alaska Trappers Association (ATA) is always working to ensure the future of trapping in this state and beyond. Sustainable harvest and management of Alaska’s furbearers is critical to the future health of our northern ecosystems. The fur market represents the best in class, the best in conservation and sustainability. Support the harvest of our natural wildlife resources by supporting the organizations that continually fight for them.
“Joining, renewing, or otherwise supporting conservation organizations is a great way to protect our heritage”
A great way to "give back" is to teach a child to hunt and safely handle firearms. There are Hunter Education programs in every state. There is no better time than now to get involved. Support the IHEA or your local Hunter Education program. Have a little extra time? Consider becoming a Hunter Education volunteer instructor, you won't regret it!